RT-PCR Test for COVID-19
Turn-around time: <24 hours
International travelers: Same day results
By MGI/BGI kits which detects the novel Corona Virus and Mutated one detected in UK
CORONA Virus (COVID-19) Antibody Test
Turn Around Time: <12 hours
Detect both IgM and IgG
Helpful test in vaccinated or infected individuals to measure their immunity to virus
The name “coronavirus” comes from the crown-like projections on their surfaces. “Corona” in Latin means “halo” or “crown.”
Among humans, coronavirus infections most often occur during the winter months and early spring. People regularly become ill with a cold due to a coronavirus and may catch the same one about 4 months later.

This image from a scanning electron microscope shows, in orange,
the coronavirus that causes the disease COVID-19.
Type of Specimen:
COVID-19 testing requires specimens collected from the nose, throat or lungs, which must be collected by a healthcare provider. The preferred sample types are nasopharyngeal (NP) or oropharyngeal (OP) swabs. Other appropriate sample types are NP or OP aspirates or washes, and bronchoalveloar lavage (BAL).
Test methodology for 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing
The COVID-19 tests performed at Texas Medical Specialty, Inc. are qualitative assays using PCR technology and by EUA approved kits
Turn Around Time to Report:
Same day results, if received by 03:00 PM and next Morning, if received later. STAT results will be reported on 24 hours basis. Test results may be reported by fax orsecure E-mail.
COVID-19 results will be reported to local and state public health entities
Texas Medical Specialty, Inc. is reporting COVID-19 results to the appropriate public health agency in accordance with applicable requirements; however, healthcare providers may also be required to report positive patients to the appropriate public health agency.
AMA CPT Code: 87635
Call our laboratory at 972-566-8478 or 6278 for further information